Hold The Line by Toto song meaning , lyric interpretation, video and chart position. Definition of hold the line in the Idioms Dictionary. What does hold the line expression mean?
Probably an allusion to a line of soldiers remaining steadfastly in position during combat. OneLook Dictionary Search .
Also, I love interpreting the meaning behind the lyrics…. Dette var bandets aller første singel og er hentet fra deres første album Toto. Hold the Line er en sang av Toto, skrevet av David Paich.
Meaning to mark or mark off with lines is from mid-15c. It is defined in the paragraph that you quote. A holding line is a statement issued ( by a government department for example) in response to a . What is the meaning behind the old song that goes My Bonnie lies over the .
Information about hold the line in the AudioEnglish. No subscriber can hold the line to the detriment of the service nor. Many translated example sentences containing hold the line – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.
Baltimore police commanders defend practice of holding the line during Baltimore protests to protect human life, not property. In cycling and in life, holding your line. Define hold (verb) and get synonyms. You can also say that you hold the line.
What should I say to the caller to wait for a moment? At Breaking Defense we read and hear a lot of speeches by generals. Few of them amount to a hill of beans, which is usually the intent of the . It gives everyone a chance to play the line. When a call is placed on hold , the caller is parke so to speak, and is unable to communicate with the person on the other end of the line.
Mattis elaborated on the intended meaning behind his words, which he. You guys — military guys, you hold the line as our country comes . Added value is worth more . Just hold the line until our country gets back to understanding and.
Few words can “hold a candle” to “hold” as expressions take on new meanings using the word. Still another meaning of the expression is for a story to be. For example, the president may say he will “ hold the line on taxes.
This poem captures the frantic action of a battle such as Holding the Line at. Birmingham by connecting all its citizens to the experience, meaning , and joy of art.