Denne typen ventil kalles for butterfly ventil. Jeg tror ventiler med denne toppen kalles for globe valve eller globe ventil på norsk. Oversettelsen av ordet butterfly valve mellom norsk , engelsk, spansk og svensk. Vi har to oversettelser av butterfly valve i engelsk-bokmål ordbok med synonymer , definisjoner, eksempler på bruk og uttale.
Vi har én oversettelse av metallic butterfly valve i engelsk-bokmål ordbok med synonymer, definisjoner, eksempler på bruk og uttale. Kort sagt, endringer i den norske industrien har størst ringvirkninger.
Glosbe, online ordbok, gratis. Butterfly valve – Pneumatic actuator. Bla milions ord og uttrykk.
In these robust valves , the internal component used to shut off the flow is a segment of a sphere. This allows frequent operation with very low torque, no fluid. A valve in a carburetor that consists of a disc that turns and acts as a throttle. SIP ventilen er utviklet gjennom mange år til bruk i det norske og.
Typegodkjent av Det Norske Veritas (DNV).
Alfa High Performance Double. For Fire Protection Services Only. Features a weatherproof actuator housing and a ductile . We sell valve solutions to the industry that lasts! A globe valve , different from ball valve , is a type of valve used for regulating flow in a pipeline, consisting of a movable disk-type element and a stationary ring . Metal and plastic valves up to DN6with a minimal torque thanks to a double eccentric design.
In this provision “Det Norske Veritas” shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well. Design: Double eccentric butterfly valves , wafer or lug type, double flanged. Karan Sotoodeh at Aker Solutions, Oslo, Norway.
In conclusion, butterfly valves are recommended for fluid control in utility services such as . English dictionary definition of butterfly valve. Durco butterfly valve meets the design criteria of MSS SPto cover the chemical. A butterfly valve used for regulation will usually produce high turbulence at a small. Manufacturing Survey Arrangement Det Norske Veritas.
Double flanged valve design for services in the water treatment industry. Madri Spain is found to comply with.