Variant definition

A form or version of something that differs in some respect from other forms of the same thing or from a standard. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. English dictionary definition of variant.

Differing from others of the same kind or . Definition of variant in the Definitions.

Information and translations of variant in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the . You could say chimps and apes and gorillas are variants in the primate family. A variant is another version of something. Words often have variants , spellings that vary from region to region or country to country. The British colour and the American color are variants. An example of something variant is a grading system that is very different from normal ones.

Define variant (noun) and get synonyms.

Variant may refer to: Contents. Old French variant , from Latin variāns, the present active participle of. Get a variant mug for your guy Nathalie. You can adapt the mass processing function and the order information system in a very flexible way, to meet the requirements of your . A genetic alteration that causes the premature termination of a protein.

The altered protein may be partially or completely inactivate resulting in a change or. Tout individu qui présente, pour une raison quelconque, des caractères qui sortent des normes habituelles de la . Universal Connector variant definition files contain statements that specify the attributes of variants. These variant definitions are used by the SUBMIT . There are a lot of articles talking about genetic variant and more talking about. PADS variant management provides a common definition environment that is highly integrated across schematic and PCB layout.

CF, but the type of these depends on other changes. Type, variant and version definition. I want to parse an s-expr that looks like (public-key (rsa (n 123) (e 123))). Could someone clearly define what a gene variant is with an example.

I am totally confusing myself with SNPs, alleles, variants and how the major and minor.

Some contribute to differences between humans like eye . Image variants are user-defined versions of page attachments. You can define each image variant differently so that you have images for .