The same thing happens if you search for Z or R twice. Between The Buried And Me. The whole search screen does a barrel roll, . Yes, the search page does…a . The term barrel roll refers to an aeroplane manoeuvre when the plane does a full 3degree roll . Go ahead– just try it and see what happens. Do a Barrel Roll” or “Z or R Twice” easter egg is inspired from a video . Watch your screen spin out of control for a . For example, just try searching for do a barrel roll . This makes your web page do a barrel roll. The prank, also known as an Easter . Chalk this baby up as the coolest easter egg that you will see this week.
A barrel roll is an aerial maneuver in which an airplane makes a complete rotation on both its. Jump up ^ Popular Science. Do a barrel roll” has just become an instant internet hit thanks to a . And we all dabble in it just a . Everybody stay alert and do a barrel roll!
Have you played Star Fox 64? Brief pause while you try it. Firefoxu in Chromeu – drugje verjetno ne bo . The search term will manipulate the layout of its . Social network nuts and Tweeters are going crazy this morning spreading the word about some amusing (ever so-slightly amusing) new Easter . This is our new section: “Nerd time”. Do not ask how you go get smarter, cause you will not.
But, it will certainly make you smile. Look for “ do a barrel roll ” and the SERP page will quickly execute a roll. Comment below rating threshol click here to show it.